
100% Uniqueness of Each Performed Order

  • First, we receive the order. Then you choose the writer, and he or she studies the requirements to warrant the quality.
  • Second, you will never receive a paper that has already been published or written by someone else.
  • Third, you will be the only owner of the received order. No one will have the same paper, and our writer will not complain to you about intellectual property theft.
  • Fourth, we always test our writers and scan their works through our top-quality plagiarism detectors before sending them to you. To verify our fairness, you can apply your plagiarism checker and see that it is 100% unique.

No-cost Editing at Your Disposal

    We guarantee this privilege in case:

  • you have found any grammar mistakes in the text;
  • our writer performed it anyhow or did not meet the college requirements;
  • the paper needs improvement;
  • you want your paper to be published without any expenses.

Feel free to claim editing, and our professional will perform it quickly and without financial losses.

Money Return

We will provide full or partial compensation if our writers do not manage the task as promised. It will be a 100% refund if a person receives a plagiarized or full of grammar mistakes paper, and when the writer does not cope with the deadline. Partial refund relates to papers that have some inconsistencies with the college demands, but the average performance is good and corresponds to standards.

In case of problems, one needs to contact our dispute-solver managers. They will study the details and provide the compensation.


  • Our employees sign a contract that does not let them share their customer’s data.
  • Our writers apply the General Data Protection Regulations to guarantee your safety.
  • Our website developers have enabled software that guarantees cybersecurity.
  • We collaborate only with reputable and recognized payment systems that promise safety to customers’ cash transactions.
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